Teams-Overall effectives in meeting its objectives, making recommendations for improvements.

In this assignment I am going to be talking about the team has performed overall for them to achieve their objectives. I am also going to talk about how the team can improve.
We had a six week project. Each week we had different tasks that we had to complete. For each weeks we had a leader so that the task could easily be done.
For the first week the leader was Syma she was a really good leader. For the first task we had to do a fact sheet about our product. Every member of the team was in. Everyone in the team came up with ideas. Everyone had contributed. We had to come up with ideas of our product. Cezar had come up with the name and Syma had come with the idea of putting in Latin. We had then gone to the IT room and typed up the fact sheet. We added pictures in order for it to look nice. As for the leader Syma I would say that her communicating skills were really good she would make sure that everyone understood the task. Also according to Belbin’s theory Syma was the shaper and the plant she was contributing creative ideas and making sure that the group had a clear understanding of the task. She was a participative leader she had made sure that everyone’s opinions was included Overall I would say that for task one the group had worked well together and were organised we didn’t have major conflict even if we did we solved it out without making a big fuss out of it.
The leader for week two the leader was Catlin. The aim of task two was to create a leaflet, poster and a slogan. She read out the task out loud. Everyone didn’t understand the task so she then explained the task more clearly. Catlin was an organised team leader she had split up the tasks between all of us so that we all had an equal amount of work to do. Cezar had come up with slogan. Kristyan did the leaflet. Syma had helped kristyan complete the leaflet. For designing the logo and the poster me Catlin and Chloe had completed it. In order for us to complete all of the task we had worked as a team to complete them. If one person wasn’t sure and was having difficulties on completing the task we would help each other. According to Belbin’s theory I think that Catlin was the plant. She was giving creative ideas to the group. She helped every member she was a really confident leader. She never use to say no to anyone. She encourages everyone. If someone couldn’t do the work she would say come on you can do it and also she would help them. She made sure that everyone knew on how to improve. Overall I think that for week 2 we worked well and tried as quickly as possible to complete the work and made sure that is was good enough.
Chloe was the leader for week 3. During this week we still had to finish off the work from task 2. I Catlin and Chloe finished of the logo. Cezar and Syma completed the fact sheet. For us to complete task 3 we all discussed the points and gave ideas on how to complete it. In order for us to achieve task 3 we had to create a PowerPoint presentation. We all got a slide to do. Chloe had split up the slides up equally so that everyone had an equal amount of work to do. According to Belbin’s theory I thought that Chole was the shaper she would make sure that everyone knew what they were doing. The results of week were not too bad the task was clearly explained and everyone knew what they were doing.
By week 4 we were almost finished with all of the work from tasks 1 to 3. I was the leader for week 4. On this day me, Chole, Catlin and Syma we decided on how we are going to sell our product. All of us came up with ideas and at the end came up with a final decision. We then decided whose going to do which slides. I had decided on which slides each person would do. I was a well organised leader. My communicating skills were really good for the people who were absent I gave them the notes that we had taken down in class and also explained to them what they had to do for the slide. According to Belbin’s theory I was the plant and shaper I use to come up with creative ideas and also help the team members. I was also a good team worker. I use to listen to everyone’s ideas. I was a democratic leader I made sure that I listen to everyone ideas and made sure that I used all of their ideas.

For tasks 5 and 6 Cezar was the team leader. He was a confident and active leader. He knew exactly what he was doing. For these two tasks I me and Kristian weren’t in. I was told that Catlin had wrote down all of the notes in her book about what they had discussed. Everyone that were present contributed to the group and gave wonderful ideas. They then split up the slides and told me and Kristian on what we have to do. For task 6 we had to decide on how we were going to organise ourselves to present to the board of directors. The slides were equally given to each of us. We had 2 slides to say. He was a democratic leader he made sure that everyone’s ideas were included and he was a confident leader.
Strengths: Our team was successful in many ways I will now state the ways why my team was successful.
Good communication skills: We had good communication skills. We a member of the team was absent we would be informed by them and also we would then update them with all of the work so that they were not behind.
Good organisation: Our team was organised we knew exactly what to do. We had all of the recourses that we needed to complete the task.
Good cohesive team: As a team we was a good cohesive. We worked well together to achieve the task.

Weaknesses: Although my team was successful there were areas that we wasn’t so good at.
Lack of time management: We had issues with completing the work on time. Every week the task wouldn’t be completed it would always be carried on to the following week. This made us fall behind and also made us have a bit of stress because we wasn’t sure if we would make it on time.
Dealing with conflict: We had conflict in our group just with two members they were not agreeing with each other’s ideas. The way we dealt with the conflict. We told them to calm down and think about it carefully. They both listened to each other’s ideas. At the end they both came to one decision that they both agreed this made the conflict be resolved.
In order for my team to improve they have to think about the following things:
Having meetings after the lessons: In order for my team to improve and work even better. They should next time they should meet up somewhere after collage or during lunch or break. They should meet up either in the library or at someone’s house. They can work on the project more and make sure that everyone is up to date with the work. They can also have more time to complete the work. This is because during class there is not enough time to complete the task so people can rush the task and it won’t be done to its highest quality. By having meetings after lessons will help them to produce high quality of work.
Checklist: By having checklist the work for the team will get easier. Checklists can provide the team with things they have done and things they haven’t completed. They can tick the work they have done and completed to its highest quality. Also leave the things they haven’t completed blank so they know what they still have to do. By having checklist the team will not forget anything.
Giving feedback: It will be a good idea for the team to give feedback to each other after completing each task. Each member can tell each other what they have done well and what they need to improve on. By giving feedback the team members will feel more confident if they get praised they will feel like they are a part of something. If there are any weakness they will then think about how they can make it into a strength.
Practising: Teams can improve by practising. They can go through the presentation once or twice. This will make the members of the team feel more confident. By practising the team can find out any mistakes that are in the presentation so that they can improve it. This will help team be fully prepared.
Attending all of the lessons: Members of the team need to make sure that they need to attend all lessons. If they do attend all of the lessons they won’t miss out on anything. If they attend lesson they will have a better understanding of the task and will be able to do the work better. If they miss any lesson it will be hard for them to catch up with the work.
Each member should have a copy of the work produced: Each member of the group has to have a copy of the work so that they know what has been completed. Also by everyone having a copy is a benefit to the team because if someone loses it the other team members will have a copy of it. Also if everyone has a copy if there are any mistakes the team members can see it and fix it.
The types of leaders I like are
In conclusion we worked well as team to achieve the task. In order for us to improve we need make sure we know the things that will help us to improve. Working in teams has helped me to make new friends and has made me more confident.
Related to: D1 evaluate the teams overall effectives in meeting its objectives, making recommendations for improvements.