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How to Present Professionally

Building a presentation on certain subject could be a real challenge and when it comes to actual presenting in front of the audience that turns up to be even more challenging. There are tips, which can help you in building up your representational skills, however professional presentation will be the key to create outstanding grade. I will introduce you to some tips, related to how to structure presentation and also how to actually give a presentation in front of small audience. How to Create Great Presentation First you should really know what your topic is and how you can divide it to cover the topic effectively. From the other hand dividing the slides must be regulated and try to have more visual material such as pictures and less writings. In order to do that on each slide write a Title e.g. Business Plan and then write bullet points on the most import thins that you need to cover e.g. building the plan, preparation and ideas, rules and standards. Once you placed all those details into the slide I suggest you to learn the content of each bullet point so you will feel confident on what you will talk about. I would recommend to you outcomes on paper so you wont look all the time at the slides and will allow you to keep eye contact with your audience. Be Smart & Creative

PowerPoint is great program for those with primary IT skills but if you want to be outstanding there are online platforms, which are supported with build on animations and multimedia. This will give you straight away 60% of the outstanding creativity. You can use FREE online platform to build up your presentation with You will need to create your account and select your template.

Use of Colours It is important to use contrast background and text, some options are White and Black, Blue and White, Red and Black, Green and White. Try to bold the text and leave enough space between each point so it will be easy recognizable. Try to use pictures that are related to your subject and will help the audiance to understand whats going on.

Body Language

This is important part durring the presentations, it is must to divide your audience into three parts; left, middle and right. Try to look at least once on each direction when presenting each slide. Use your hands to show some point of the slide, that will hep audiance focus on specific point you are trying to outline.

Other Tips to Structure

  • Don’t copy & paste slides from different sources.

  • Keep the design very basic and simple. It shall not distract.

  • Pick an easy to read font face.

  • Carefully select font sizes for headers and text.

  • Leave room for highlights, such as images or take home messages.

  • Decorate scarcely but well.

  • Restrict the room your design takes up and don’t ever let the design restrict your message.

Speech & Confidence

That is the most difficult part of the pretension and my suggestion is to practice presenting each slide to yourself before punting it on board. Laud and Clear must be the words which you are using, understanding the specific terms of the presentation will help you to elaborate and expand on that even more. Try to put your personal experience (if possible) that will be help you remember and make you feel more confident when presenting. Figures/numbers must be on the slide and the explanation of it to be on the additional outcome, that would be the right way to present it as the figure will be seen of the audience while you give accurate information related to that figure. For the Business Students Use charts (bar, pie etc) when you have more than two figures related to one topic, that will help the audience to understand and compare if needed. That will give you an extra points and will create good image on your presentation.

NOTE: To get personal lessons on how to develop your presentation skills , you can buy the PRESENTATION GUIDE by Kristiyan Karadzhinov, which will give you ability to get extra help on email, answering your personal questions and giving you feedback.

Coming Soon: PRESENTATION GUIDE by Kristiyan Karadzhinov

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